A new Talk "Florence McGillivray Forgotten Matriarch of Canadian Modernism" will be held at the Whitby Central Public Library, King St. on May 9, 2024 from 6 -8 PM.
New Exhibition Feb.28 to May28, 2024 at Helson Gallery, Gallery, 9 Church St, Georgetown, Ontario "Florence McGillivray Her Story and Influence on Canadian Art" A Talk and Book Launch by W.C. Allen will be held at the Helson Gallery on ThursdayApril 11,2024 from 6-8 pm.
Zoom Talk Oct. 25,2023, 7.00 pm Hillary House Museum, The Aurora Historical Society 2023 Speaker Series, She Is One Of The Best : Bill Allen sign up in advance, Contact community@aurorans.com or 905 727 8991 or www.arorans.com for complete details.
May to July 2022 Helson Gallery, Georgetown, Canadian Impressionism exhibition features three exceptional Florence McGillivray works
Sept. 9, 2019 Arts and Letters Club, club night, McGillivray Exhibition and Talk by W.C. Allen.
June 12, 2019 Talk by W.C. Allen at the Whitby Historical Society ( time to be announced) in the Warren General Store beside the Lynde House on Brock Street in Whitby.
June 9,2019 -Aug.13 Mcgillivray exhibition, Homer Watson Museum, Kitchener. Talk by W.C. Allen June 25, exhibition includes 16 McGillivray paintings covering the breadth of her career.
May 9,2019 Arts and Letters Club, Toronto, FHM Biography book launch and exhibition by W.C. Allen
July 14 - Sept. 1, 2018 Station Gallery, Whitby "Its All Relative"
"Lake Louise" watercolour
April 27,2018 Ottawa Gallery
Exploring a landmark exhibition of the practices of the new Ottawa valley and the Outaouais region
"Gatineau Covered Bridge", Oil
March 4 - April 4, 2018 Heliconian Club, Toronto
Salon of Members Past and Present
Opening presentation on Florence McGillivray by W.C. Allen
Mid show presentation ( History of Heliconian Club by Charles Hill),
paintings from Private Collections
" Cornwall" WC,
Untitled, Sailboats in Harbour, WC
" Icebergs off Labrador Coast", WC,
"Off Labrador Coast" Pastel
Untitled, Looking through Dunes, Pastel
Untitled, Schooner at Dock, WC
"On the Way to Buckingham, WC
"Kirks Ferry Falls" WC
"Murphy's Blue Fleet", WC,
Dec. 7, 2017 - April 8, 2018 Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton
Undaunted: Canadian Women Painters of the 19th Century
paintings from AGA Collection
"Fir Trees", WC
"Afterglow" #1, WC
"Canadian Maples", WC
"Douglas Firs Forest", WC
Oct.17 - Dec. 4, 2017 Station Gallery, Whitby
Finding Florence retrospective Exhibition
75 Mcgillivray works, Oil, WC, Pastel from in and around the Whitby area, Private and public collections
2009 Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
Art and Identity in the Region of Durham
4 Mcgillivray works
"Skyline Perce", Oil
"Perce Village"' Oil,
"Perce Rock", Oil
"Canal Venice", Oil
private collections
2001 Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
Birth of Modern
"Canal Venice", Oil, private collection
1988 McMichael Gallery, Klinberg
Endless Summer, Canadian Artists in the Caribbean
"Royal Palms on a Grey Day, Trinidad", WC, Wharf Scene, Montrgo Bay, Oil, "Busy People", Oil,
"Harvesting Coconuts", WC,
private collections
1984 Peel Gallery, Brampton
Peel Remembers
"Inverlynn Grove", WC,
private collection
April, 1975
Morris Gallery, Toronto
Canadian Classics
Tool Shed", Oil, private collection
1972 Art Gallery of Ontario
Retrospective show
"Contentment", Oil, AGO collection
1970 Station Gallery, Whitby
F.H.M. Retrospective Show
Over 75 McGillivray works
Oils. WC, Pastels examining the body of her work from private collections
1957 Continental Galleries, Montreal
"Burger Bridge", "Farm Country, Gatineau", Fishermans Home", "Murphy's Blue Fleet"
1939 J. Merritt Malloney's Gallery. Toronto
FHM Memorial Exhibition
40 McGillivray works
Multipul Oils, Pastels, and Watercolours from private collections
Nov. 18, 1937
Royal Canadian Academy Show, Montreal
No details of artwork
March 12, 1937
J. Merritt Malloney's Gallery. Toronto
No details of artwork
1936 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"Covered Bridge, Val-des-Bois, Quebec"
NFS, Oil
Nov. 21, 1935
Royal Canadian Academy Show, Montreal
"Lost Cascades,Gatineau River, Quebec"valued at $500.00
"Covered Bridge, Val Des-bois, Quebec" valued at $500.00
1935 Toronto Art Gallery
Alumni of Ontario College of Art
"Blue Water Skagway", WC, valued at $75.00
"Bathing Beach, Montego Bay", WC, valued at $60.00
"High Water, Rouge River, Not. ", WC
valued at$35.00
1935 Canadian National Exhibition
Catalogue of Arts
"Newly Fallen Snow", Oil, valued at $200.00
"A Snow Locked Door", Oil, valued at $200.00
1935 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto, Grange Park
"Riding Lights, Skagway", Tempera, valued at $150.00
"Tween Tides, St.Ives" WC,valued at $150.00
"Heights in Skagway", Oil, valued at $100.00
March, 1934 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"Vanished Cascades, Gatineau", Oil, valued at $500.00
"Village Church, Saturday", WC, $150.00
"The Paugan, White Rocks", Oil, valued at $125.00
Nov. 17, 1933 Royal Canadian, Academy show, Montreal
"Busy Days, Perce Quebec" no details. valued at $75.00
"Palms, Jamaica" no details, valued at $75.00
"Pier Street, St. Ives, England, WC, valued at $100.00
1933 Art Gallery Toronto, Grange Park
"Pick-A-Noc River Opening" no details, valued at $125.00
"Holding on Georgian Bay" no details, valued at $35,00
1933 Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto
"Newly Fallen Snow", Oil, valued at $200.00
April, 1933 J.Merritt Malloney's Gallery, Toronto
No details of artwork
Nov. 1932 Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Canada
Exhibition of Watercolours by Miss Florence McGillivray
No details of artwork
May to July, 1932 Vancouver Art Gallery. All Canadian Exhibition
"Winter at Rosebank", Oil,
"Pic-A-Nic River Opening", Oil
1931 Carriage House Studio, Frank St. Ottawa
No details of artwork
Ottawa Citizen News item Nov. 1931
Nov. 21, 1931 Royal Canadian Academy Show, Montreal
"Anchored Fishing Boats, Venice", Oil
valued at $250.00
"Newly Fallen Snow up in the Gatineau, Wakefield, Quebec", Oil, valued at $150.00
"Dandelion Time, near Toronto" Oil,Valued at $150.00
1930 Carriage House Studio, Frank St., Ottawa
No details of artwork
Ottawa Citizen News item, Oct. 1930
April, 1930 Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour, Art Gallery Toronto, GrangePark, Group of Seven Exhibition
"Wharf Street, St. Ives, Cornwal" Valued at $100.00
Stream at Jasper Park", valued at #100.00
"Stonington Harbour, Conn. US", valued at $75.00
"A Chain of Cataracts, Buckingham Quebec, valued at $75.00
"A Gatineau Homestead, Quebec" valued at $75.00
"Where winds are not, Whitby valued at $60.00
"Birches, Fort Cologne, Quebec" valued at $60.00
March 1930 Corral Gallery of Art, Washington, Canadian artists Exhibition
"Winter at Rosebank"
Nov. 1929 Carriage House Studio, Frank St. Ottawa
No details of artwork
News item from Ottawa Ctizan
Nov.20, 1929 Joint Ontario Society of Artists and Royal Canadian Academy Show. Montreal Art Association
"Ships in Venice", Oil, valued at $225.00
"Palms Barbados", Oil, valued at $175.00
"Emerald Lake, BC", Oil, valued at $175.00
"Uncertain Weather, Port of Spain", Oil,
valued at $175.00
Nov. 1929 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"Anchored Fishing Boats, Venice"
"Uncertain Weather on the Savanna, Trinidad"
"Emerald Lake, BC"
"Autumn Gatineau River"
Oct.5, 1929 Miss Barron's Gallery ,Toronto, 758 Yonge St.
No details of artwork
Globe and Mail news Item several Oils and WC
Sept. 21, 1929 Whitby Studio
No details of artwork
Whitby Chronical news item
1929 Royal Canadian Academy, Calgary
"Factory Buildings, Whitby"
"Fishing Stage, Labrador"
April 1929 Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour Annual Exhibition. Art Gallery of Toronto, Grange Park
"Lake Louise", valued at $100.00
"High Noon, St. Ives" Valued at $100.00
"Wrecked Wharf, St. Ives" , valued at $100.00
"Old Spanish Bridge, Jamaica" ,valued at $75.00
"On the Arno, Florence, Italy", valued at $75.00
"Dense Woods at Nootka,BC", valued at $50.00
"The Sea", valued at $40.00
1929 National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
"Feathery Palms"
Nov. 1928 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"Coconut Grove"
"Midwinter in the City"
1928 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
"Feathery Palms" valued at $150.00
"A Jamaican Wharf" valued at $75.00
"sun Caught, Perce" valued at $125.00
1928 Joint Ontario Society of Artists and Royal Canadian Academy. Ottawa
"Coconut Grove", Trinidad, valued at $200.00
"Dawn at Perce", valued at $150.00
Jan.7- 22,1928 Art Association of Montreal,
Exhibition of Paintings from at Home and Abroad by F.H. McGillivray
Largest one women show to date gathered over 75 works from public and private collections ( some of her best works).
1927 Ontario Society of Artists, Art Gallery Toronto
"Dawn at Perce", valued at $300.00
"Midwinter (City)", valued at $200.00
"Seashore", valued at $150.00
"Tea Garden Venice", valued at $150.00
"The Pagan, Gatineau River", valued at $100.00
1927 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
"Pottery Market, Bridgetown, Barbados, B.W.I." valued at $300.00
"Murphy's Fleet, Ottawa" valued at $200.00
"San Giorgio, Venice" valued at $150.00
"Venetian Shipping" valued at $150.00
Nov. 1927 Joint Ontario Society of Artists and Royal Canadian Academy, at the Art Association of Montreal Gallery
"Coconut Grove, Trinidad"
"Midwinter in the City"
Nov. 1926 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto Art Gallery
"Sea Craft, Venice", valued at $150.00
"Fishing Vessels, Venice" valued at $150.00
Nov. 1926 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"The Edge of the Grove, Whitby"
"Murphy's Blue Fleet"
"Bridge Market, Bridgetown, Barbados"
April 1926 Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour, Art Gallery of Toronto, Grange Park
"Doctors Cove Beach, Montego Bay, Jamaica" valued at $75.00
"Uncertain Weather, Grand Manan", valued at $60.00
"Old Houses, Port of Spain, Trinidad" valued at $50.00
"Heat and Snow, California" valued at $50.00
"Late Glow, Perce "(Sketch) valued at $40.00
"Cone near Perce" (sketch), valued at $40.00
Jan. 1926 National Gallery, Ottawa, Special Exhibition of Canadian Art
"St. Anthony's harbour, NFLD", valued at $200.00
"Factory Buildings, Whitby", valued at $75.00
Nov. 20, 1925 292 Frank St. Carriage House Studio, Ottawa
No details of Artwork, Ottawa Citizen 1925
Nov. 1925 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"On the Sea Wall, Georgetown, Demerara"
"Sea craft Venice"
March 1925 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"St. Antonys Harbour, NFLD", valued at $200.00
"Murphy's Blue Fleet, Ottawa", valued at $150.00
Circa 1925 Heliconian Club, Toronto, Members Exhibition
No details of artwork, Globe and Mail, undated
Nov. 24, 1924 Ontario Society of Artists, Members Small Pictures Exhibition, Robert SimpsonArt Galleries, Toronto
"At Bonaventure Island", valued at $40.00
"Amidst Venetian Shipping, valued at $40.00
"A Venetian Well", valued at $25.00
"Bank St. Bridge, Ottawa", valued at
"Grand Manan Cliff" valued at $40.00
Nov. 20, 1924 Commonwealth Exhibition, Palace of Canadian Arts Pavilion, Wembley England
"Labrador Fishing Stage"
Nov. 1924 Royal Canadian Academy, Ottawa
"La Chute, Gatineau"
"Murphy's Fleet, Ottawa"
1924 Ontario Society of Artists at Robert Simpson Co., Toronto
"Bank St. Bridge, ottawa", valued at $25.00
"Wild Iris and Firs", valued at $40.00
"Amidst venetian Shipping", valued at $40.00
"Wild Will Sugar Industry, Barbados", valued at $35.00
Jan. 1924 Royal Canadian Academy, Ottawa
"San Georgio, Venice"
Nov. 1923 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"Off the Labrador Coast"
"Labrador Fishing Stage"
1923 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"In Shelter, near Perce, Quebec", valued at $200.00
"In Prince Rupert's Waters", valued at $200.00
1923 Royal Canadian Academy, Art Gallery Toronto
"San Georgio, Venice"
March 1922 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto, Retrospective Loan Exhibition of OSA Covering First Half Century of Society
"Returning Home", 1917
"Landscape" 1914
1921 Royal Canadian Academy
"Ice About Twillingate
"Sea Shore,La Jolla, California"
Nov. 1920 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"The Edge Of The Grove" Whitby"
Oct. 1920 Ar Museum of Toronto, 20 Grange St., Exhibition of Small Pictures and Sketches by members of OSA
"A Fishermans Hut, Labrador" valued at 100.00
"A Bit Of Skagway" valued ay $50.00
"Perce Rock, From Church Hill" valued at $50.00
"Les Chats Falls, Fitzroy Harbour" valued at $25.00
"Broom Bloom" valued at $25.00
"Cloud Movement Alaska" valued at $25.00
1920 292 Frank St. Carriage House Studio, Ottawa
No details of artwork, Ottawa Citizen 1920
1919 Royal Canadian Academy, Art Gallery of Toronto
"Ice in the Bite"
"St. Anthony"
July 1919 Womens Art Association of Canada, Toronto
No details of artwork
Nov. 1918 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"Corner Of The Grove, Whitby"
"Buckle Factory, Winter"
Nov. 1918 Art Museum of Toronto, 20 Grange St., Exhibition of Small Pictures and sketches by members of OSA
"Cheville, Near Paris" valued at $40.00
"A Cottage in Skye", valued at $100.00
"Hillside Scotland" valued at $50.00
"Venetian Fishing Boats", valued at $75.00
"Amidst Venetian Shipping", valued at $75.00
1918 Art Association of Montreal
"The FactoryYard Gate,Winter" valued at $50.00
"Still Life" valued at $30.00
"Amidst the shipping, Venice, WC, valued at$75.00
"Venetian Fishing Boats" WC valued at $75.00
April 26, 1918 Joint Ontario Society of Artists and Royal Canadian Academy at Art museum Toronto
"A Corner of the Grove"
"Canal Venice"
" Mid Winter Dumbarton"
1917 Women's Art Association Canada
Special Exhibition of the Art of Florence McGillivray
No details of artwork
1917 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"A Rocky Stream", valued at $200.00
"A Sketch", valued at $125.00
Nov. 1916 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal
"A rocky Stream, Skye"
"A Scottish Hillside"
March 1916 Ontario Society of Artists, Toronto
"Contentment" valued at $500.00
"Rocky Skye", valued at $200.00
1916 Joint Ontario Society of Artists and Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal Art Association, 679 Sherbrooke St.
"A Rocky Stream, Skye"
"A Scottish Hillside"
Dec. 1915 292 Frank St., Ottawa
No details on Artwork, Ottawa Citizen 1915
Nov. 1915 Royal Canadian Academy, Montreal Art Association
"Rocky Skye"
"Cheville, Paris"
March 1915 Montreal Artists Association
"Contentment" valued at $500.00
"Tide Water" valued at $200.00
March 1915 Ontario Society of Artists,
"In Killarney", valued at $200.00
"Still Life", valued at $25.00
1915 Byron St. Studio, Whitby
No details of artwork, Whitby Chronicle, Nov. 1915
Dec. 1914 Royal Canadian Academy, Toronto
Purchased by National Gallery at the time of show
1913 Salon des Beaux Arts, Paris
1903 Ontario Society of Artists, Art Gallery of Toronto
1902 Ontario Society of Artists, Art Gallery Toronto
"Idle while"
1901 Ontario Society of Artists, Art Gallery of Toronto
"In Harvest Time"
"The Cornfield"
1898 Womens Art Association of Canada and Lyceum Club, Toronto Portrait Exhibition
A number of Family Portraits
Feb. 1898 Byron St. Studio, Whitby
No details of artwork, Whitby Chronicle, March 1898
May 1892 Womens Art Association of Canada, Life Building ,Toronto
No details of artwork
1892 Ontario Society of Artists, York Show
"Study of a Head"
"A Girls Head"
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